Tuesday 30 June 2015

In a world where it is so easy for young people to get enticed and caught up in devices that will not add value to them or to their lives, it is refreshing to see some are tuning their energy into positive ventures. It is even more awesome when those ventures give God glory. The song 'Beautiful' was co-written and sung by Emmanuel Salihu Ahmed; a youth who has decided to discover and develop his gifts and talents! I’ve had the privilege of knowing him since he was about 8/9 years old. It is just wonderful to see how he is allowing God use him for His glory. What touches me most is the truth and wisdom found in the lyrics of the song... An excerpt says ' God made you beautiful and He doesn't want you to wear a frown'.... If the song puts a smile on your heart as well as your face, please share it, support talent and gladden someone else's heart today!!!

Monday 29 June 2015

If you think I'm lying look back at your own with where your tears of sorrow gave way to tears of joy; and if they haven't have, a little faith because I believe they eventually will!!!! Have an awesome Monday!!!

Sunday 28 June 2015

Theres nothing wrong with the person who is not passionate about what you are passionate about so give them a break!!! We've all been called to positively impact different areas of life and this is clearly reflected in the things we care about!!!
Happy Sunday and have a fruitful week ahead!! God bless you and thanks for visiting my blog...

Friday 26 June 2015

It's toxic to hold on to bitterness, hurt, anger and disappointment! Truly no one can go through life without experiencing these at different points in time, but that's no excuse to hold on to them... They cause you more damage than good so let them go!!!

Thursday 25 June 2015

Sufficient unto the day are the troubles of today!!! Stay out of other people's issues!!!

Wednesday 24 June 2015

It's not easy to soar because sometimes we think everything will fall apart if we are not there; but today take a deep breath, trust your efforts and when the time comes... Begin to SOAR!!! 

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Good relationships stem from commitment, forgiveness, understanding and love.... Show a bit more of these to the ones you have allowed into your life!!!

Monday 22 June 2015

Feed right and you will see right!!! Have an awesome week ahead guys!!!2015#NewDoors#FulfilPurpose#

Sunday 21 June 2015


To leave a legacy behind, you must have a vision and go after it passionately. Legacy is what you are remembered for doing achieving!!!

Nelson Mandela had a vision for equality between the races and he went after it passionately, Bill Gates had a vision to make computer usage easier and he went after it passionately, Mother Theresa had a vision to take care of the poor people and she went after it passionately. These people and so many others pursued their vision despite opposition and today their legacy speaks for them.

No one has control over what's going to happen in the next minute, hour,day or month; the control we have is over what we do, what we say and how we utilize the opportunities that come our way!

So it is my prayer this Sunday the the Lord will give me, and all who desire it, the boldness and the wisdom to do now what needs to be done so that we can begin to leave our footprints in the sands of time!!!

I want to leave behind a legacy that speaks of hope for the hopeless; A legacy that inspires people to rise above their perceived limitations and pursue their goals and desires, that inspires them to make a positive impact in their generation; A legacy that reminds every human that God loves them and created them with gifts and talents that the world needs to see and hear!!!

So today as I listen to Beyonces song 'I was here'  https://vimeo.com/50194613
I pray that at the end of my journey on earth I will be able to sing that song in confidence and truth!!!

I hope you too are inspired to start thinking about the kind of Legacy you want to trail behind you: at your work place, in your family, in your community and in the world @ large!!!


Saturday 20 June 2015

The mommy eaglet is not wicked; she does it because she knows the potentials in her eaglets and will not let them live a life below the one they were destined for!!!
Sometimes we also need to thrown into an uncomfortable place or situation to discover the potentials within us!!!
Do you agree or disagree!!!

Friday 19 June 2015

Why do we spend so much time analysing the lives of others?? Our focus should be on our life, the legacy we want to leave behind and the area of life we would like to impact!!! Refocus today because there's no better time than today!!! Happy Friday to all my viewers!!!

Thursday 18 June 2015

Take one step at a time, there's no need to rush!!! Courage doesn't mean that fear disappears, it simply means that you look fear in the face and say 'So what, at least I tried'

Wednesday 17 June 2015


Unity is two or more people working together to achieve a common goal or purpose, it is 2 or more people agreeing on how to achieve that common goal or purpose;  a oneness in mind, soul and spirit.

What are you working on? What project are you currently pursuing? What new idea or possibility have you decided to explore? What decision are you about to make? All these are very important questions p, however the most important question should be: WHO is on my team? Who are those working with me to achieve my set goal? Who am I carrying along in this new quest, journey or project.

The WHO is more important than the what, when or where because Progress can only be achieved when there is unity.

Unity transcends into all areas of life and decision making because we need each other; No man is an island and nobody ever accomplished anything worthwhile single handedly.

In Marriage: my dad says ' there can be only one captain in this ship'. Before you crucify him or discredit the statement, hear me out.
Though there is only one captain in a ship, the captain alone cannot drive the ship. The captain has to have a crew which consists of people skilled in different areas to ensure a smooth and successful sail. The same applies to marriage, one man has to meet and decide to marry a lady; in her he must see characters and attributes that he loves and believes will help him achieve his desire in life and vice versa.

At The Workplace: there is only one M.D / C.E.O. However on his/her own a successful company or business cannot be achieved. He needs his employees to fulfill various roles within the organization. As they meet his needs, theirs are also being met, in one way or the other.

When Unity is brought into marriage, there is nothing the couple cannot achieve. When there is unity in an organization or project, success is inevitable.

Unknown to us, Unity is the most powerful of all tools available to mankind. Gen11:6

What do you think? Is unity one of the most effective tools available to mankind?
Please share your thoughts below!!!

Tuesday 16 June 2015

It takes at least 7 years of university studies to graduate as a doctor, it takes 4 years to graduate with a bachelor in business; Sometimes the sacrifices you make overwhelm you, but they always remember your destination!!! Keep going!!!

Saturday 13 June 2015

Gods Purpose For Your Life (Part 3)

Discovering Your Vision

If you were to give a speech about yourself at your funeral what would you like it to read??? What accomplishments would be listed and which areas of life would you have made a positive impact?
What would yo like to be remembered for doing? It could be something as simple as impacting your community for good or something as big as discovering the cure for cancer.

That speech is your vision; Don't limit the vision inside you because it's way bigger that what you can presently see.

STEP 1: Write your speech out, preferably in a book because a piece of paper can easily get lost and you're going to find yourself coming back to your speech to help you stay focused as you run with your vision.

STEP 2: List out the specific accomplishments you mentioned. e.g. he/she was known for her charitable works towards the children in her community! or he/she started a research program to find and develop a cure for brain cancer etc.

STEP 3: Carry out a research on what skill set, ability and degree is needed to successfully achieve those accomplishments listed in step 2.
Don't be in a haste, do this for ALL the accomplishments listed in your speech! Use whatever tool is available to carry out this research e.g. google, asking family, friends, teachers and those already doing similar things. Search for information in books also. Leave no stone unturned in this stage because it will shape your next decision and action!!!

STEP 4: Take a realistic look at each accomplishment and the skills needed in relation to the resources currently available to you. After measuring them against your available resources, pick which accomplishments you can pursue immediately and which ones to leave for a later time when you are either more knowledgeable or have more resources available.

Don't feel bad about the ones you cannot immediately pursue because everything has its set time in life Ecclesiastes 3:1.
If you have difficulty picking, run the most realistic accomplishments and their requirements by trusted friends and family members, mentors or counsellors. Use their feedback to re-analyze and make an informed decision.
This helps because our eyes are sometimes closed to what is so glaringly obvious to others.

STEP 5: After choosing, GET UP AND MOVE!!! NO MORE EXCUSES!!!

Depending on your vision this process could take you from one week to 8 weeks! It should however not last more than 3 months!!!


Friday 12 June 2015

Don't make enemies of those who don't believe in your vision; they simply can't see it!!!

Thursday 11 June 2015

When you feel you can't go on, call on the name of Jesus!!! It is still powerful enough to strengthen you to accomplish your dreams!!!Stay In The Race!!!

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Cherish the relationships in your life that add value to you and vice versa because those are the ones that add color to your life and beautify it!!!
Don't be afraid to let go of toxic relationships because if they stay, they will eventually drain the color out of your life!!!
People and friemdships are what make life worth living!!!

Tuesday 9 June 2015

As a christian, you are one of Gods watchmen! Stay connected to Him and speak His truth in wisdom and love always!!!

Sunday 7 June 2015

Gods Purpose For Your Life {Part 2}

To discover your purpose in life, you need to have understanding. Here i will define words i use often to help you understand and start your journey to discovering purpose!!!

What is Purpose?
It is that specific plan God has for your life. To help you make Gods plan for your life a reality, He has placed inside you a Vision and Talents; a vision of who you want to be, what you want to do and how you want to make a positive impact on your generation and the world at large.

These are the skills and abilities you exhibit or perform with ease that others struggle or find uncomfortable to do. There are various types of gifts and abilities; writing, unique and speedy understanding of subjects like mathematics, physics etc, singing, drawing, co-ordination etc.
You would do well not to compare one gift to another because each person has a unique way of exhibiting their talent no matter how many people share that same talent.

Vision is that dream, desire and mental picture you have of what you want your future to look like! It is something that cannot presently be seen with the eyes but rather with the mind and heart.
Vision is innate and every human being is born with a vision Jeremiah 1:5. God placed a vision in you before you came to earth; that is why we all have different dreams and desires for our lives. That vision is a blueprint; we are to discover it and run with it.

Vision makes a 5 year old say ' when I grow up, i want to be a vetinary doctor so i can take care of animals'. It is vision that made all the great discoverers of the world persist in their quest.

Vision made Louis Armstron become one of the most successful and beloved Jazz Artists even after he was rejected from music school and told he didn't have what it takes to be a musician.
Vision made Nelson mandela endure all forms of segregation and hardship to see a South Africa he could only see in his mind and heart at the time.

Vision gives you the courage, determination and encouragement to keep going against all odds.

In Part 3, I will give you tools to help you discover your vision!!! Watch Out !!!!

Saturday 6 June 2015

Success is not magical, neither is it achieved through wishful thinking or sentiments! Every successful person has gone through years of perseverance, hard work, determination, right decision making and self encouragement!!!
You are on your way to your success story, encourage yourself, stay focused and determined; when you get to a crossroad, don't panic or become impatient, simply place your vision in front of you and make the decision that wilk take you another step closer to that vision..  
Most importantly, KEEP GOING and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!

Friday 5 June 2015

As the sun rises and sets everyday, its consistency gives me unfailing hope that despite what I see today, no matter what I go through in life; my set time will come and it will be just as beautiful as the picture above... Happy Friday and remember that You were created to fulfil purpose!!!

Thursday 4 June 2015

Gods Purpose For Your Life (Part 1)

It is my strong belief that every human was created by God and for a specific purpose. If you leave with nothing else today I want you to know that God created YOU for a purpose and He has a plan to bring that purpose to pass in your life..

When a thing is created, it is equipped with everything it needs to do what its creator fashioned it to do. When you buy a phone, everything it needs to function as a phone is already in it. It comes equipped with software, hearing and speaking devices, battery and a lot of other things which work together to make it a phone.

When you came to earth, you came equipped with everything you need to be what God had in mind when He created you. (Jeremiah 1: It's already inside you!!!

Things are created to meet a need or to be a solution to a problem. You have inside you a solution to a problem.

Shoes were created to protect and comfort the human foot while doing various activities.
Satellite Tv was created to allow information reach a wider audience at the same time, to provide entertainment to viewers who couldn’t or didn’t want to go outside their homes etc...
What need are you meeting? What problem are you solving??

Another distinguishing feature of things created is that, as awesome as they may be, if you don't put it to use it gives you no value. If you buy a phone and don't put a sim card in it, you can't enjoy all the cool things a phone can do.

The same applies to you: if you don't discover and develop the gifts, abilities and talents inside you, they will remain dormant all your life. There is a saying that goes 'the cemetry is the richest place' meaning so many unused gifts and talents are buried there. I pray that will not be your case or mine.

Start making an effort to discover your purpose in life. In the Part 2 i will list out practical steps you can take to help you identify your purpose in life and run with it. Stay blessed!!!

Wednesday 3 June 2015

UNITY is the greatest tool mankind has to achieve anything they desire and sadly it is one of the hardest things to achieve!!!
Be united, Stay united!!!

Tuesday 2 June 2015


Opportunities don't come to those with a feeling of self entitlement, they come to those who actively seek and pursue them, those who are prepared or preparing for their arrival. The world is a big place and as little as the city you live in may be, it is also a big place full to the brim with oppprtunities waiting to be discovered and utilized.

Living with a feeling of self entitlement will get you no where, it will keep you dreaming, hoping and wishing: all of which will yield no tangible or feasible reward in your life.

To get to that level you dream of and desire, you are going to have to push yourself out of your comfort zone; you are going to have to silence that thought and feeling of over contentment and inadequacy. You will have to come out of your comfort and biased self appraised zone and MOVE.

We all have justifiable, valid and good reasons for our refusal or inability to change, but the bottom line remains that if what you desire is greater than what you can see presently, then you have to move and keep moving, learn and keep learning.

Movement is different things to different people but no matter who you are movement means taking action.

Movement may be sharing your dreams or project desire with someone who can hold you accountable; Movement could be doing things differently from what you're accustomed to inorder to get different results; Movement could be taking that bold step and making the first move in a personal or professional relationship and Movement could simply be putting yourself out there to stand the risk of getting hurt/disappointed/ridiculed or have everything work out the way you hoped it would.

Change will not come without action! You can't dream or wish change/opportunities into your life, you have to go after them else the world will keep moving and you will simply get left behind!

Today give yourself a break! let your hair down and don't be so harsh on yourself. Yea you made a few mistakes but at least you're wiser from it...

You are wonderfully made and a extra special! happy Tuesday!!

Monday 1 June 2015

Change Always starts from the inside and works its way out!!!

Stop searching outside, search within: You've got what it takes!! It's already in you!!!