Wednesday 25 May 2016

Do you have the kind of 'Umbrella' I talk about in this article?? Why not have a look and then share with me what your 'Umbrella' is!!!

My 'Umbrella'

Till today I have only thought of an umbrella as an item that protects me from the 'blessings' of  rainy days...

As I sit here in the bus that has been chosen to take me home, I realize I am brimming with confidence. My thoughts begin to wander as I ponder on the source of this confidence... Is it my outfit?? Nah!! My office?? Nah!! Me?? Nah!! Then it hits me just like the flash of lightning that strikes the sky during a storm.
It's my Umbrella.

You see around 4pm this evening dark clouds gathered in the sky and brought with it little drizzles of raindrops; I wasn't bothered because I had my Umbrella with me...
The journey home progressed and amidst light showers I looked up and the clouds were darkened... In an uncharteristic manner, I smiled to myself and looked at my Umbrella, once again reassured that rainfall or no rainfall I was covered and protected... My confidence almost bordered on cockyness so I put it in check....

Then I began to wonder about life's storms. Do people have have an 'Umbrella' to protect them from the storms of life?? from the negative twists and turns of life? If they do have one, do they use it??

Your 'Umbrella' is your faith, your beliefs, mindset, attitude to life etc. Is it strong enough to protect you from the 'rain' (disappointments, heartbreak, setbacks etc) of life's unforseen circumstances?

Do you 'carry' it around with you always? Do you abandon it when it's 'raining' and try to hide under someone else's umbrella? Do you actually trust it to help you move around in the rain and sometimes keep the 'rain' away from you?

My question today is: Is your 'Umbrella' useful to you???

My 'Umbrella' is my Faith in God: not just in any God but in the very nature of who He is... He is faithful and loves me unconditionally,  He wants the best for me when I agree with Him and even when I fight Him, He is patient and will never give up on me no matter how many times I screw up, and because He is so important to me I treasure carry Him EVERYWHERE that I go...

If you have an 'Umbrella I'd like to hear what it is, please write it in the comment section below or via my Facebook page ''

Thank you and God bless

(C)2016 Iquo'Ma

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Stop trying too hard!!!

The best way to bring God glory is to do and become all He has created you to be in Christ Jesus, for when you do all of mankind will see your works and give Him glory!!!