Thursday 28 January 2016

How do you see yourself asks the Lord!!!

[NIV] Exodus 5:15 Then the Israelite overseers went and appealed to Pharaoh: “Why have you treated your servants this way?

The Israelites had been in captivity and bondage for so long that they saw themselves as servants. Their perception was a fact because they looked like servants and were treated as such in the land... Hoewever it was not the truth...

Has any situation kept you in bondage for so long now? Is it poverty? Stagnation? Unfruitfulness in relationships?

Unfruitfulness in your career or business? Have you allowed the this fact to change your identity? Do you now see yourself as someone with no prospect, someone who is stuck in life simply because a particular situation has been around for years and seemingly refuses to budge???

Remember I had earlier written a piece on ' The Truth and not the Fact Sets you Free'. I believe the Israelites had forgotten the truth and adopted the facts as the their new truth...

If a baby lion is trained in a home as a pet, the lion may think that its a house pet but does that change the Truth that its a lion??? No it does not...

The truth is that the Israelites are God's firstborn son, a chosen people, a Covenant people.   Perhaps at one point in time they believed this but when their situation persisted for so long they forgot....It is possible for us to forget who we are when we move away from the one who created us, when the issues of life become so overwhelming that we feel like we're drowning or have drowned in them as was their case..

In a world like ours where we face all kinds of difficulties it is very easy to start defining yourself by the facts (what you see) and not the truth ( what or who God says you are)...  So take this as God's reminder to you today...

In Jesus Christ you are a covenant child, birthed in purpose,equipped with all necessary tools to live a life pleasing to God, to go forth and create wealth and to be all that God created you to be.

You are His seed, you carry His greatness, you are full of His power and His love... You have the ability to be successful in all you do,you have His wisdom to direct you and keep you from falling prey to the enemy's traps...

Today i choose to believe that I'm reminded that I'm an exact replica of God Almighty Himself..

Go back to Gods word and find out who God says you are, what He says you have and what He says you can do... Write it down, post it up where your eyes will always see it and be reminded of it....
The weekend is just around the corner so have an awesome Thursday... God bless you real good..

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Vengance is mine says the Lord; A New Understanding

Sometimes God's way of revenge is not the way we humans look at revenge for example God didn't punish Laban for cheating Jacob, instead He blessed Jacob more...

If you read Genesis chapters 30: 25 - 31:19, you will see how Jacob left Labans home and what he left with.

As I pondered the story I likened it to employers who cheat their employees.
You see Laban was an employer and Jacob his employee. The bible says he changed Jacobs wages 10 times; I likened that to unpaid salary and salary decrease, yet Jacob kept working faithfully for Laban UNTIL God told him it was time to leave (Gen 31:3)

Despite the injustice done to Jacob he didn't leave empty handed because God did not forget all he had suffered in his place of employment. God served justice by ensuring Jacob left a whole lot richer than when he came.

I have gone through the experience of having unpaid salary for a few months and I can tell you the various schemes of revenge I have 'helped' God to think of. I have even rehearsed the speech i would give my employer before leaving the job and trust me those schemes were neither godly nor good..

But today in the New light of understanding God has given me about His kind of revenge, I am humbled and ashamed of my earlier thoughts...

You see we all face or have faced some sort of injustice at one point in time or another and it really pleases us to think that God would mete out a harsh punishment of destruction to the individual responsible;

But today God is saying punishment is not the most important thing...What matters most is that at the end of the day, you have the last laugh, the upper hand, meaning He blesses you and that blessing is so much more than the things you were cheated of...

So smile through that injustice you're facing because as God has given me a new meaning of His promise that says ' Vengeance is mine saith the Lord' ... I am confident that when he says its time to leave that unpleasant and unjust situation, I will not be leaving empty handed but rather with more blessings than what I was cheated of...

And the same goes for you and for everyone who believes it, because God's word is alive and active to ALL that believe...
Shalom and Happy New Year!!!
Thanks for taking the time to read my write ups :-)