Thursday 14 April 2016

Sarah made her choice; It's time to make yours... Pleasure or Pain..find out below!!!

Sarah was happy. She loved her environment; food, shelter and water were readily and easily available. She wondered if life was always going to be this good.

Life continued like that for a while and even when small storms came Sarah didn't panick because they never lasted long. It was amazing that as her appetite increased so did the availability of food. Surely there was a God somewhere who looked after her she thought....

One day a storm came, she wasn't bothered because they usually didn't last for long, this one however seemed in no hurry to depart...

She began to get restless as the storm kept raging, and in the twinkle of an eye, her world as she knew it was shattered and a force was pushing her in a particular direction.

Anger and disbelief ran through Sarah as she wondered why all this was happening, this is so unfair she thought and the tears began to stream down her face...

Then she saw bright lights everywhere and lots of people. She didn't know how she knew but she knew they were people...The tears wouldnt stop flowing because she didnt want to be here, she wanted to go back home, she was hungry and she was cold...

Like an answered prayer she saw them wrap something around her and was grateful for the warmth it provided... Hmmm maybe they're not so bad afterall...

She was still determined to make her displeasure... She didn't like it here and she would let them all know; amidst her tears she wondered what her new surroundings would offer...

Realizing the tears were getting her nowhere, she stopped crying... Suddenly she heard a familiar voice calling her, the woman was not as tall as the rest and as she settled into her arms, she closed her eyes and wondered where she knew that voice from.

This was going to be an interesting journey she thought as she decided to adapt to her new home... 'It might not be so bad after all'

Sarah is a foetus that grows into a baby in the comfort of her mother's womb... At the appointed time she is brought out because if she stays inside the womb any longer she will probably die.
Sarah doesn't know it but her mom and doctors know it, so despite the discomfort to her, they make sure they bring her out.

Life is like that: we are Sarah and God is the doctor and parent... He knows when our time is up in any given circumstance and He begins to cause change to happen. No matter how much we cry, pray, fast or give up, He is unmoved because just like the doctor He knows that if He leaves us there, we will surely die...

So ignoring our pleas and tears of discomfort, He guides us into our next phase.

The process of change is hardly ever welcome because it is usually ushered in through pain or discomfort... But in order to grow we must accept that Life is sometimes going to take us through discomfort and pain.

Your attitude and perception determines whether that change will bring blessings your way or keep you in misery...

It's Your Choice!!!
Choose well and thanks for reading!!!

(C)2016 Iquo'Ma