Tuesday 22 September 2015

Everything you lack now, you will have in abundance says the Lord...

It started as such a dreary day... The rain kept falling and falling and everything looked so gloomy. The weather was dull, my mood was dull and all of a sudden the challenges of life (financial, emotional et all) seemed bigger than my faith...

Every time I looked outside I saw the rain falling and wondered if it was the reason for my gloominess.. There was no sun in sight as the skies had decided to remain a permanent gray...

At around 2pm I noticed the rain had stopped, 'thank God' I thought but there was still no sun in sight and the skies were still gray... The gloominess in me remained as i went about my daily tasks...

At 5pm as I walked to the bus station I noticed the sky was a lovely blue with white clouds. This brightened up the skies and the day suddenly looked so beautiful. As I sat in the bus, the rays of the sun shone harsh upon me when I said to the bus driver 'can we move this sun is too hot'

That's when the Holy Spirit spoke and He said 'everything you lack now, you will have in abundance' and immediately my spirit soared for joy...

See sometimes in life we all go through dreary stages; stages where we don't have enough money, no fruitful relationship, poor business sales and so on and so forth. Today I encourage you to keep walking, keep going because as God said to me, He is saying to you today... ' everything you lack now, you will have in abundance'

The time for your abundance is known only to God so don't try to figure out when or how it will come... Just know that if God said it then it will come....

May the grace of God be upon us to stay in faith and keep walking with a confidence that our abundance is certain... It's only a matter of time...
(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Don't be a copy cat; be who God created you to be..

Joshua 1:5 - God said to Joshua ' ... As I was with Moses so shall I be with you...'

No matter how great your mentor is, you are not your mentor!!!
You are a unique individual created by God in a special way...

God is not trying to duplicate people all over the world, He is looking for vessels He can use to showcase His glory in different ways...

You discredit Him every time you try to be like someone else... He wasn't telling Joshua to be, act, walk or talk like Moses when He gave him that promise in Joshua 1:5

He was simply telling Joshua that He will be with him till the end and will not leave nor forsake him just as He never left nor forsook Moses. He is telling you the same today, that He will never leave nor forsake you...

However It will take a newness and a boldness on your part to allow God lead you His own way...
Keep the promise of His constant presence with you but you have to be ready to let go of what you had in mind; because God never promised to do what you had in mind...

Shalom and God speed as we all ride on the wings of fulfilling destiny....

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Unto Him who is able to do....

God cares... To all who believe and are expectant, may He do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine in Jesus name, Amen...

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Do not promote yourself; promote the God you serve!!!

Promote Him by acknowledging Him in your day to day activities, in the little things you do daily and those around you will learn to do same...

Sunday 6 September 2015

Thursday 3 September 2015

Taste and see that the Lord is good!!!

Psalm 27:14 - KJV:Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord!!!

The word of God found in the Bible is alive and active! How can it be alive you may wonder!! Next time you need direction, or are confused or perhaps filled with joy; settle down, ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand then open your bible and read...

I guarantee you that at least one verse will suddenly make so much sense that you'll wonder why you never thought of it that way before!!!

That moment is the word coming alive in your spirit, to teach you, to comfort you, to help you and to direct you.
God shows no favouritism so go ahead and give it a try...

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet