Thursday 14 July 2016

Does what you want have a name or a definition??? Faith helps!!!


This jeans doesn't fit me, Arrggghhhhh I'll try the next one she thought as frustration slowly crept in... The length of this one is just wrong, so off it came!!!

Well I'll try the next one... She kept this up for about 10 minutes and then she took a break...
'I'm in desperate need of a pair of jeans and I am not leaving this shop without one' she said to herself.

With new determination, she went back to the racks and began her search anew.... She brought out about 5 pairs and set about trying them all....

The first one didn't sit right, she sought opinions from those outside and got lots of ooohs and aaahhhhs and that looks great on you.... But she knew in her heart this wasn't her pair,something about it was off.

On came the next one... Nah she thought as it didn't flatter her... The next was too big.... And the next too small....

By now she had broken out in a sweat.. The place was getting hotter by the second but she persevered...

She knew what 'her jeans' would feel like when she wore them... She didn't know what color they would be, what designs they would have, how much thet would cost or if she would find them; but one thing she knew for sure was that when she finally wore 'her jeans' she would recognize it by the feeling it evoked from within her....

She got a taste of that feeling when she wore the next pair... It felt good, it wasn't perfect but it had an element of what she was looking for so she decided to take it. There was one pair left and she decided to give it a shot!!!

PERFECT... The joy that flooded her soul when she wore that last pair was indescribable... That was 'her jeans' the one she had been searching for all along; and when she got it, the time, effort and energy spent on the other ones faded away... The joy was the only thing she knew...

Then the Holy Spirit said ' Life is like that, you have to know what you want and be prepared to push through 'stuff' to get it... 'FAITH is the ASURANCE of things HOPED FOR, the EVIDENCE of things NOT SEEN'.
WHAT DO YOU WANT??? Maybe it doesn't have a name or description, maybe you can't define it... Maybe the only thing you have is a conviction that when it/he/she or they show up you will know...

Feed your faith well and you will see that which you desire...
Till then don't get discouraged sorting through 'stuff'...

Shalom and Thanks for reading!!!
(C) 2016 Iquo'Ma - a nobody who God made a somebody:-)

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Do you have the kind of 'Umbrella' I talk about in this article?? Why not have a look and then share with me what your 'Umbrella' is!!!

My 'Umbrella'

Till today I have only thought of an umbrella as an item that protects me from the 'blessings' of  rainy days...

As I sit here in the bus that has been chosen to take me home, I realize I am brimming with confidence. My thoughts begin to wander as I ponder on the source of this confidence... Is it my outfit?? Nah!! My office?? Nah!! Me?? Nah!! Then it hits me just like the flash of lightning that strikes the sky during a storm.
It's my Umbrella.

You see around 4pm this evening dark clouds gathered in the sky and brought with it little drizzles of raindrops; I wasn't bothered because I had my Umbrella with me...
The journey home progressed and amidst light showers I looked up and the clouds were darkened... In an uncharteristic manner, I smiled to myself and looked at my Umbrella, once again reassured that rainfall or no rainfall I was covered and protected... My confidence almost bordered on cockyness so I put it in check....

Then I began to wonder about life's storms. Do people have have an 'Umbrella' to protect them from the storms of life?? from the negative twists and turns of life? If they do have one, do they use it??

Your 'Umbrella' is your faith, your beliefs, mindset, attitude to life etc. Is it strong enough to protect you from the 'rain' (disappointments, heartbreak, setbacks etc) of life's unforseen circumstances?

Do you 'carry' it around with you always? Do you abandon it when it's 'raining' and try to hide under someone else's umbrella? Do you actually trust it to help you move around in the rain and sometimes keep the 'rain' away from you?

My question today is: Is your 'Umbrella' useful to you???

My 'Umbrella' is my Faith in God: not just in any God but in the very nature of who He is... He is faithful and loves me unconditionally,  He wants the best for me when I agree with Him and even when I fight Him, He is patient and will never give up on me no matter how many times I screw up, and because He is so important to me I treasure carry Him EVERYWHERE that I go...

If you have an 'Umbrella I'd like to hear what it is, please write it in the comment section below or via my Facebook page ''

Thank you and God bless

(C)2016 Iquo'Ma

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Stop trying too hard!!!

The best way to bring God glory is to do and become all He has created you to be in Christ Jesus, for when you do all of mankind will see your works and give Him glory!!!

Thursday 14 April 2016

Sarah made her choice; It's time to make yours... Pleasure or Pain..find out below!!!

Sarah was happy. She loved her environment; food, shelter and water were readily and easily available. She wondered if life was always going to be this good.

Life continued like that for a while and even when small storms came Sarah didn't panick because they never lasted long. It was amazing that as her appetite increased so did the availability of food. Surely there was a God somewhere who looked after her she thought....

One day a storm came, she wasn't bothered because they usually didn't last for long, this one however seemed in no hurry to depart...

She began to get restless as the storm kept raging, and in the twinkle of an eye, her world as she knew it was shattered and a force was pushing her in a particular direction.

Anger and disbelief ran through Sarah as she wondered why all this was happening, this is so unfair she thought and the tears began to stream down her face...

Then she saw bright lights everywhere and lots of people. She didn't know how she knew but she knew they were people...The tears wouldnt stop flowing because she didnt want to be here, she wanted to go back home, she was hungry and she was cold...

Like an answered prayer she saw them wrap something around her and was grateful for the warmth it provided... Hmmm maybe they're not so bad afterall...

She was still determined to make her displeasure... She didn't like it here and she would let them all know; amidst her tears she wondered what her new surroundings would offer...

Realizing the tears were getting her nowhere, she stopped crying... Suddenly she heard a familiar voice calling her, the woman was not as tall as the rest and as she settled into her arms, she closed her eyes and wondered where she knew that voice from.

This was going to be an interesting journey she thought as she decided to adapt to her new home... 'It might not be so bad after all'

Sarah is a foetus that grows into a baby in the comfort of her mother's womb... At the appointed time she is brought out because if she stays inside the womb any longer she will probably die.
Sarah doesn't know it but her mom and doctors know it, so despite the discomfort to her, they make sure they bring her out.

Life is like that: we are Sarah and God is the doctor and parent... He knows when our time is up in any given circumstance and He begins to cause change to happen. No matter how much we cry, pray, fast or give up, He is unmoved because just like the doctor He knows that if He leaves us there, we will surely die...

So ignoring our pleas and tears of discomfort, He guides us into our next phase.

The process of change is hardly ever welcome because it is usually ushered in through pain or discomfort... But in order to grow we must accept that Life is sometimes going to take us through discomfort and pain.

Your attitude and perception determines whether that change will bring blessings your way or keep you in misery...

It's Your Choice!!!
Choose well and thanks for reading!!!

(C)2016 Iquo'Ma

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Emeka- My 1 Minute Experience

I had just joined the company and I was thrilled to discover that Fola, who had a car, was going my way. That meant no bus hustles, standing under the sun and rushing for a seat in the hot vehicles that make up our means of transportation here in Lagos. Folas very comfortable car was Heaven sent as we prepared to leave the office 5 mins before 5pm :-P

The day at the office has been just like any other day. I got to work early because Heaven forbid that one should live in Ajah and leave home at 7am hoping to resume work on the island at 8am, i tell you Heaven forbid!

Work progressed smoothly amidst the usual chatting, meeting deadlines, having lunch and all other normal office activities.... Then it was time to switch off mentally from work issues and head home, happy in fact elated was I.

I'm not the quiet type but that day as we drove out of the office I was silent and deep in thought, I considered where life had led me to thus far and how I was going to adjust into life in a bustling city like Lagos... As we drove on the bridge between Ikoyi and VI my eye was drawn to a pure water hawker, whom I will call Emeka...

As Emeka dashed in-between cars to make sales and avoid collisions, his tray fell off his head and his sachets of pure water came tumbling down. Unfortunately the traffic started moving and the oncoming cars drove straight through his goods leaving behind empty satchets....... and a face with heart wrenching tears streaming down.

Those tears got to my heart, they came so instantly and though I was far away and couldn't hear a thing I felt his pain... The sorrow and sadness on his face went straight to my heart like it had direct wifi access to it...
He looked like a teenager but his tears came from his gut, a place he probably thought no one in the world knew existed... I felt his pain at the unfairness of his predicament and his fear at the consequences of what would undoubtedly be labelled as 'his carelessness'.

In the hot Lagos sun, that somehow manages to shine brightly even at 5pm, I observed his face and my mind reacted to what had troubled my heart and spirit. I instinctively grabbed the door handle to open it and reach out to tell him not to cry because I would help him out; you see my brain had already done a mental calculation or be it a rough estimate of the total net worth of the goods that had been on the tray. I immediately recalled I had N500 and concluded that it would be enough to ease his pain and answer any questions that may arise about how his day went.

As I tried to open the door, I suddenly remembered we were driving on the bridge with cars behind us and it would be suicide to just open the door. Fola hadn't noticed a thing as driving requires your full concentration anyway. We drove past as I looked at Emeka and wondered 'Would she stop if i asked her to or would she simply laugh me off'? What would Fola think if I asked her to stop so I could go back to give him the money?

Sadly i was not confident enough in myself to ask her to stop... I cared too much about how she would view me after that, if it would be the topic of the day at work tomorrow, if i would be labeled as a 'notice me' and all these fears or worries about how another person would perceive me caused me not to ACT.

I remained silent as we drove home but my mind was on Emeka and what the end of his day would look like. I re assessed my life, my complaints and my grumblings and realised I had it okay if not good but more than that I realised that I wanted everybody to have it 'okay' if not good.

Its been over 5 years since this happened but even as I wirte, tears form a pool in my eyes as I remember the heart wrenching picture a young boys tears left imprinted on my heart...N500 to me then was nothing, not because I had a lot of money or a job paying me in the hundreds of thousands but simply because I knew that if i parted with it i would still be ok, but i couldn't say the same for him...

I never saw him again: I betrayed myself for not speaking up and i lost an opportunity to give someone the strength to get through another day because I wasn't confident enough to be me.

From that 1 minute experience I made a decision that no matter my present surroundings, when next a situation spoke to the core of my heart, I would ACT.
You see there is a strength of character muscle we develop anytime we are bold enough to do what our heart says is the right thing to do even if it means you looking odd or being laughed at for a minute or two...

Touch a life whenever God gives you the opportunity, heart and resources to do so...

(c) 2016 Iquo'Ma 

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Your perception really matters to God!!!

Has God put a dream in your heart? How do you perceive it? Your perception matters so much to Him that it actually determines if you will see that dream become a reality in your life or not...

Check out what happened to the spies who saw rightly with their eyes but had a flawed perception in their heart in Numbers 13:25-34, 14:1-45...

What is your perception about the dream and vision He has placed inside you? Do you believe He can and will bring it to pass?? Or have you allowed what you can see physically to kill your belief that God is able???

Be reminded today that it is only what you believe that God will bring to pass in your life so be sure to keep alive your belief in Him and in His abilities, no matter what your physical eyes may see.  

Shalom and Happy Wednesday!!!
(c)2016 Iquo'Ma

Tuesday 8 March 2016

True Leaders... May God bless them all!!!

This makes sense because for a second there I was about to ask God Almighty why he created men 'aliens' and made women 'normal'....
Hahahahahah have an awesome week ahead and be expectant of good things :-)

(c)2016 Iquo'Ma

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Check this out... This assumption we make is not true ladies...

I am so guilty of this... I cannot begin to count the number of times I made this wrong assumption, in fact the last time was about a month ago...
I'm not sharing all this to make you start feeling bad about past relationships that didn't work out because the past is best left in the past...
These new insights are to help us all as we trust God to take us to greater heights this season, in all areas of our lives... in Jesus name I pray, Amen...

Anyway the insightful tip here is that God gave men laser like focus on fulfilling their vision and enough in-built willpower to control their emotions while going after that vision...  That's why they sometimes come across as cold, hard, uncaring, unloving etc etc etc...
TRUTH: Just because they dont ahow their emotions like wkmen do doesnt mean they dont have any....

Enjoy the evening as you ponder and may God bless you real good.... Keep smiling :-)

(C)2016 Iquo'Ma

Monday 29 February 2016

Interfering or Fulfing Purpose???

Until I came across this truth I struggled with it. I wondered why in every relationship I eneterd my immediate desire was to help. I sought ways to help and when the help was not taken or rejected my thought was always ' can't he see that I'm just trying to help'?

It's not so easy to help a man so here's my 2 cents to both ladies and men:

Men- we ladies may not always use the best presentation or the right words but at the heart of it know this ' we're honestly only just trying to help'.

Ladies- you mustn't always have the last word, sometimes 'helping' means allowing him to make mistakes and supporting him through it not rubbing it in his face with statements like ' I told you so or if you had listened to me...'

(c) Iquo'Ma 2016
Have an awesome Monday guys!!!

Saturday 27 February 2016

Excerpts from a Book Review: Everything in the woman is designed to and read more...

I bought the book 'Understanding the Power & Purposed of a Man' by late Dr Myles Munroe several years ago by recommendation. It would help you understand men better I was told! I didn't believe it so I allowed it to gather dust and learn from my life's experiences.

Today after several life experiences and no clear understanding of the strange species they (men) sometimes are, I decided to breeze through it during my early morning meditations...
All I can say is 'girl you should've read it a loooonnngg time ago'
but as long as there's life it's never too late...

So I'm going to be posting up the sentences, quotes and messages that spoke to me and impacted my thinking... I hope they bring light your way too...

Please Note I didn't read the WHOLE book... I'll leave that for the men... I do recommend it to them...and for the ladies you all need to read 'Understanding the Powder & Purpose of a Woman'...
It will revolutionize your thinking....

Happy weekend...
Much love

(c) 2016 Iquo'Ma

Saturday 20 February 2016

This is for people who still have one or 2 things to learn about relationships not for experts!! It's a New Understanding I got so I decided to share it!!

This is for those who like me are only now beginning to get a grasp on this whole relationship thing... If it blesses you please share with others!!! Have an awesome weekend guys! Muuaahhh

Thursday 11 February 2016

There can be no crown without a cross!! If you don't believe me ask those who are already wearing crowns...

We have spent too long rebuking God for trying to mold us... That attitude has to stop because those people you're trying to be like or looking up to have been through their own molding and making process...even the glorious vision you have for your future involves a moulding and making process...
Enjoy the process of being made thought it may be as hot as a fiery furnace and as uncomfortable as a crowd of thorns, Gods GRACE will see us through in Jesus name, Amen... Happy Thursday peeps

(C) 2016 Rosyyy

Thursday 28 January 2016

How do you see yourself asks the Lord!!!

[NIV] Exodus 5:15 Then the Israelite overseers went and appealed to Pharaoh: “Why have you treated your servants this way?

The Israelites had been in captivity and bondage for so long that they saw themselves as servants. Their perception was a fact because they looked like servants and were treated as such in the land... Hoewever it was not the truth...

Has any situation kept you in bondage for so long now? Is it poverty? Stagnation? Unfruitfulness in relationships?

Unfruitfulness in your career or business? Have you allowed the this fact to change your identity? Do you now see yourself as someone with no prospect, someone who is stuck in life simply because a particular situation has been around for years and seemingly refuses to budge???

Remember I had earlier written a piece on ' The Truth and not the Fact Sets you Free'. I believe the Israelites had forgotten the truth and adopted the facts as the their new truth...

If a baby lion is trained in a home as a pet, the lion may think that its a house pet but does that change the Truth that its a lion??? No it does not...

The truth is that the Israelites are God's firstborn son, a chosen people, a Covenant people.   Perhaps at one point in time they believed this but when their situation persisted for so long they forgot....It is possible for us to forget who we are when we move away from the one who created us, when the issues of life become so overwhelming that we feel like we're drowning or have drowned in them as was their case..

In a world like ours where we face all kinds of difficulties it is very easy to start defining yourself by the facts (what you see) and not the truth ( what or who God says you are)...  So take this as God's reminder to you today...

In Jesus Christ you are a covenant child, birthed in purpose,equipped with all necessary tools to live a life pleasing to God, to go forth and create wealth and to be all that God created you to be.

You are His seed, you carry His greatness, you are full of His power and His love... You have the ability to be successful in all you do,you have His wisdom to direct you and keep you from falling prey to the enemy's traps...

Today i choose to believe that I'm reminded that I'm an exact replica of God Almighty Himself..

Go back to Gods word and find out who God says you are, what He says you have and what He says you can do... Write it down, post it up where your eyes will always see it and be reminded of it....
The weekend is just around the corner so have an awesome Thursday... God bless you real good..

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Vengance is mine says the Lord; A New Understanding

Sometimes God's way of revenge is not the way we humans look at revenge for example God didn't punish Laban for cheating Jacob, instead He blessed Jacob more...

If you read Genesis chapters 30: 25 - 31:19, you will see how Jacob left Labans home and what he left with.

As I pondered the story I likened it to employers who cheat their employees.
You see Laban was an employer and Jacob his employee. The bible says he changed Jacobs wages 10 times; I likened that to unpaid salary and salary decrease, yet Jacob kept working faithfully for Laban UNTIL God told him it was time to leave (Gen 31:3)

Despite the injustice done to Jacob he didn't leave empty handed because God did not forget all he had suffered in his place of employment. God served justice by ensuring Jacob left a whole lot richer than when he came.

I have gone through the experience of having unpaid salary for a few months and I can tell you the various schemes of revenge I have 'helped' God to think of. I have even rehearsed the speech i would give my employer before leaving the job and trust me those schemes were neither godly nor good..

But today in the New light of understanding God has given me about His kind of revenge, I am humbled and ashamed of my earlier thoughts...

You see we all face or have faced some sort of injustice at one point in time or another and it really pleases us to think that God would mete out a harsh punishment of destruction to the individual responsible;

But today God is saying punishment is not the most important thing...What matters most is that at the end of the day, you have the last laugh, the upper hand, meaning He blesses you and that blessing is so much more than the things you were cheated of...

So smile through that injustice you're facing because as God has given me a new meaning of His promise that says ' Vengeance is mine saith the Lord' ... I am confident that when he says its time to leave that unpleasant and unjust situation, I will not be leaving empty handed but rather with more blessings than what I was cheated of...

And the same goes for you and for everyone who believes it, because God's word is alive and active to ALL that believe...
Shalom and Happy New Year!!!
Thanks for taking the time to read my write ups :-)