Thursday 10 December 2015

Thank God we have been told to live by Faith cos sight is not so encouraging right now huh!!! Read more in the link...

As 2015 draws to a close, I am bombarded with news on how terrible the new government is, how the state of the country has worsened, i am surrounded with silent and not so silent staff retrenchments in different companies and sectors of the economy. The air seems to carry fear as almost everyone is somewhat convinced that things will only get worse next year..... On top of that I am plagued daily by the impending fear of 'what will 2016 look like'....

As a Jesus lover and being the everly optimistic person that I am, one word comes to mind when I think of 2016 - GLORYYYYY'... I have been through too much to accept anything less; and as I keep making my positive declarations I am reminded by the Holy Spirit that we live by Faith and NOT by sight (2Cor5:7)

There is a reason the Bible urges us to live by Faith; it is not there to discredit what our eyes can see... That verse is there to tell us that God Almighty knew that sometimes the economy would fail, sometimes we would face so many challenges that we would want to give up, that sometimes we would become devoid of hope, discouraged, disheartened and sad...

But because He is such a great planner, He gave us a word, a command, a phrase that restores hope even in the most hopeless of cases...

What is Faith??
[NIV] Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

So today be encouraged that even though you can't see that glorious tomorrow, future, job, marriage, kids, finances, health etc right now.. God expects you to keep your assurance that it will come, to hold on to your confidence that if He said it then He will surely do it...

Drown out the 'no money' cries this season with gratefulness. Gratefulness for loved ones, for friendship and for the simple fact that we are never without hope!!

Even though I can't see that glorious destiny, glorious bank account:-)  and glorious home i desire, I choose to live by the assurance i have that it will come...

I am grateful to God for life, good health, for Sera's wedding, for my family whom I will see soon by God's grace, for new beginnings, for sister in law tins, for the joy of my friends and loved ones, for new friendships that are already taking shape in my life, lessons learnt this year and for so much more...

I urge you to do the same, list out the things you are grateful for... It doesn't change what your eyes can see or what your ears can hear, but it does change what your heart believes...

Shalom and thanks for reading...