Friday 31 July 2015

You think life is unfair, well so does the 2 yr old you refused to give chocolate at 10pm; SMILE:-)! Read more in the link below!!

Sometimes in life unfair things happen to us and no matter how we try to reason it out we end up with the same conclusion ' Its not fair'

The toddler whom you refuse to give chocolate at night says the same thing ' it's not fair'
The teenager who is not allowed to go for that hotel party being held by her friend also says ' it's not fair'
The hard working student who gets a C while another student buys his grade and gets an A says ' it's not fair'

Life sometimes isn't fair; at times God does it that way for our own good ( even though it may take years to see it that way, like in the case of the toddle and teenager) and at other times it just simply isn't fair ( like the student) and there's not much we can do about it...

So Put a smile on your face anyways because:-)  because even if you dont see it yet, I know God is working everything out for your good.

Happy Friday:-)
(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Be happy and laugh out loud...a happy you makes for a happier environment!!

Some people are so caught up in responsibilities and in the different issues life throws our way that they forget to just BREATHE!!!
What is your hobby? Do you have one or do you even remember what it is??
Take some time today and laugh out loud LOL!!!
Appreciate where you are right now!!! Don't think about tomorrow, just thank God for today!!!
Happy Wednesday everybody :-) 

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Monday 27 July 2015

R.I.P Kristina Brown... A life gone too soon!!! Teach us o Lord to number our days and make them count for good!!

The value of your life is not dependent on the number of your days but rather on what you do and the people or areas you are able to impact positively!!!

Make your life count!!!

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Saturday 25 July 2015

Women beware of spiritual pride!!!

A Lesson From Mary

No matter how spiritual you are, take a leaf out of Mary's book of submission to Joseph! If you are married then Jospeh represents your husband but if you are single, Joseph represents the man God is sending your way.

Mary was the first one the angel told about Jesus, yet after her acceptance ' it unto me according to thy will o Lord' there is no other direct record of angelic visitations to her!!!

All further instruction from God was given to her husband because she needed his covering! Imagine an unwed pregnant girl of those days in Bethlehem not today where wrong is portrayed as right! She would've been ostracized and living in shame, now try to imagine Jesus being the son of an ostracized woman and trying to become the Savior of the world!! It wouldve been a tricky situation and His ministry would've sufferered no doubt.

As I wrote this the Lord gave me understanding to know that she needed her husband's covering to fulfil her destiny and I've heard great women of God say the same thing. This brings me back to the topic at hand!!!

Some of us today won't allow our Joseph to lead! Our reasoning would be that God spoke to us first so that makes us equals or that we were the ones carrying ' the Savior' so we obviously can't take instructions from a mere Joseph!

Spiritual pride has crept into women today... Some feel they are better than the men and some are simply acting out of a misconception of God's design for them...

Today I want to remind women, myself included, that as great as God's assignment to us may be, that husband He gave us and the one He will send our way is not there to prevent us from carrying out our God given assignment but rather he is there as the covering we need to successfuly complete it...

So be on the lookout for the ugly head of spiritual pride and be sure to uproot it anytime you see it in your life!!!

Thanks and God bless!!!

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Thursday 23 July 2015

To every Father and every Father in waiting...

Joseph played a huge role in the life and destiny of Jesus. He accorded his family the protection that Jesus needed to live to the age where be would begin to fulfil purpose. 

As I read Mathew chapter 3, I was struck by how many times the angel instructed Joseph concerning the welfare of Jesus. Joseph was instructed to take his family and flee because Herod was after the life of his son. When Herod died, Joseph was again told where to go... His obedience saved the life of Jesus; to fulfil purpose you have to be ALIVE not dead!!! 

As a Father you are the custodian of your children, God needs you to stay connected to Him so you can hear from Him concerning your childrens destiny... 

You have to protect them from destiny killers until they are old and wise enough to hear from God directly... You need to steer them in the direction of God's calling on their life where their gifts and talents will be developed... But if you as the father are far from God then whose purpose are you directing them to???

I don't know what God will require you to do or not do for your kids but I am certain that if you remain connected to Him, He will keep you informed... May the grace to obey be upon each and everyone of us in Jesus name, Amen!!!

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Our physicality is the only thing that stops growing when we reach a certain age, our mental faculties ( emotional, behavioral etc) never stop growing till we die!!!

It's time to carry out a self examination on yourself. Are you growing?? 

Have you learnt something new about yourself or acquired new knowledge??? Are you still less tolerant of others?? Have you become more accommodating than you were?? Do you still flare up easily or have you learnt new ways to manage anger of discouragement??

These and so much more should be checked, assessed and necessary changes mademade!!!


(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Time for reflection, what're you chasing after in life??? Will it add value to you in any way or will it take value away from you!!!

Monday 20 July 2015

Never forget the lessons you've learnt; remember they didn't come easy!!!

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Sunday 19 July 2015

No matter how comfortable or uncomfortable that place is; be reminded today that it is not your destination so keep moving!!! Happy Sunday

(c)Rosetta Edet

Friday 17 July 2015

Storms in the Heart

Picture your heart like a room inside a house...

When a storm comes it rages violently and causes damages to that room... It breaks things, scatters things and leaves the room unrecognizable... After the storm the beauty of the room can no longer be seen, infact is becomes impossible for a you to believe in the beauty the room once held...

ONE thing remains certain: as violent and as turbulent as the storm may be, it eventually GOES AWAY!!! No storm lasts forever...

After they go you discover that there is a lot of work to be done; broken things must be fixed, destroyed things must be replaced and scattered stuff must be rearranged!!!

Storms in the heart can include heartbreak, loss of a job or a loved one, change in location or the backstabbing wounds of a friend!!!

As painful as what your heart may be going through is, know that it's time to start rearranging what the storm may have destroyed. You may have to throw some stuff (ideas, bliefs) out and get new ones, some may need repainting or a little TLC and others just need cleaning...

If you don't tidy up after a storm, you condemned that room and it is no longer useful to anyone or for anything!!!

Your heart keeps you and your dreams alive, you cannot afford to let it lie in waste or in broken pieces!!! Start cleaning!!! The storm is over!!!

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Thursday 16 July 2015

Sometimes we just don't know which way to go because we have never been there before!!! Don't try to force a decision out, it could lead to destruction: just stay calm and watch God unfold His plans for you!!!

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Tuesday 14 July 2015

As intelligent as the mind is, it is ONLY the heart that has the ability to believe against all odds!!!

Friday 10 July 2015

The Enemies Within

There is a struggle going on inside; a desire to break out from a mediocre state of mind and state of life into a more fruitful and glorious one, the kind my spirit already sees, the kind of life my Bible tells me about. I am torn between accepting my present reality and striving for a reality only my heart can see! 
The greatest enemies are not the ones you can see, they are the ones within, mine are FEAR and COMFORT;
Fear of the unknown, fear of what could possibly happen, fear tells me it's better to manage what I have than to strive for financial independence and freedom. Fear says 'manage your job, there are so many others who don't have jobs' 
Fear from the failed attempts of others, especially when those others seemingly have more financial and other resources at their disposal. 
The fear of what if, 'what if I'm not meant to do this' ' what if it isn't the will of God for me' 'what if I fail and become the laughing stock'. The fear of hearing 'I told you so'... 
Comfort, on the other hand, tells me it's OK to be where I am and robs me of the desire and zeal to strive for what my insides already know I am capable of.  
Comfort puts up a fight when I try to break free because comfort doesn't want to be discomforted. 
My struggle is born out of a desire to do and achieve greater things; a desire to make a positive impact in my environment and the world at large. To achieve this I have to relocate the enemies within to the back seat, place my vision in front of me and keep running till i get there!!! 
Have you located the source of your struggle?? What are you doing with the enemies within you??? Are they taking the front row in your mind and heart? It's time to decide their fate so you can move forward in the pursuit of your goals and dreams!
(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Thursday 9 July 2015

Sometimes I see life as a walk in the garden! When the weather is sunny and beautiful, you enjoy the view of the garden, the many plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables therein. You marvel and are reminded of the stark contrast each one has compared to the other yet when eaten or used properly they all give life and health to the body in their own unique way...
However when there is a heavy rain and thunderstorms, the garden is on of those places you don't want to be in! The plants offer no comfort or protection from the rain, the thunderstorms make everything look frightening and all you can think of is 'why is there no shelter in this garden'.
Faith works in a similar way; when everything is working as hoped or planned then you're in the garden on a sunny day. When things don't go as planned and unforseen events show up you're in the garden on a rainy and stormy day struggling to see what good the garden could possibly hold...
The storms of life can rob you of your joy and peace but when you have Faith, even in a garden on a rainy day your joy and peace remain and you may just find yourself dancing in the rain!
Faith does not exempt you from life's storms, but it sure does help you get through them in one piece!!!

(c)2015 Rosetta Edet

Wednesday 8 July 2015

If you believe it then you can see it come into being but you  have to See it first in your heart and mind, believe it and then it will become a reality!!!

Tuesday 7 July 2015

 What got you through the storms you have faced in life so far?? Please share and encourage someone one else today!!!

Saturday 4 July 2015

Push past your present discomfort and pain and you will see your desired outcome!!! Babies who are one of the most beautiful and wonderful creations of God are birthed through much pain and discomfort yet they bring us so much joy!!! Your desire will come, just hold on to your faith!!!
Happy weekend!

Friday 3 July 2015

The Bare Necessities of Life

It angers me and at the same time it pains me that the bare necessities of life are still prayer points in our beloved country. Food, clothing and shelter are things one shouldn't have to think about, much less worry about!

The countries that have provided these basic necessities have not done so miraculously, they achieved it by having a vision and working towards it; they saw a wrong and rather than make excuses for it they thought of solutions. They mapped out a plan for the society, they listed out the needs of the people and they chartered a plan!! Their belief in a more structured economy where basic needs are provided for its inhabitants kept them going no matter the odds!

As I write this, I imagine they would've encountered various challenges along the way, for change is almost always met with opposition and resistance.

Ayodele Adeniran, a Covenant University graduate of engineering has developed an iron that is powered by little gas canisters which he says will be sold for N120 and can last users for a whole week. In an interview he said the idea was birthed from his frustration one morning as he tried to get ready to meet his dad, he could not wear what he wanted to because it was rumpled and there was no light!!! You can read his interview on

We should spend most of our energy building and working on ideas that will make our society a better place and solve a need of the people. Instead of insulting or listing out the failures of past or present leaders we should be proffering solutions to problems in our immediate environment!

Let's put ' the world at large' on hold for a minute and focus on our immediate environment! Have we come up with a solution to any problem in our family, community or society at large??? Do we even care to??? Or are we so busy condemning or discouraging those around us who are trying to with statements like ' how does that one concern you',  'is it your problem', 'are you the only one that sees it, abeg leave it for those at the top to handle?' etc.

I too am guilty of what I'm saying so this wake up call is to everyone, myself included! If we are going to have a better Nigeria where the basic needs are met e must become solution providers!!!

It takes one ripple to start a circle of ripples!!! God will not come down from Heaven to solve problems; that's why He gave you and I brains, intelligence and strength!!!

Thursday 2 July 2015

Every door has a key that unlocks it! It is wiser and a whole lot easier to find the right key for the door than spend hours, days, months and your energy using the wrong key!!!
The methods you use to get favors from your brother is different from the methods you use on your sister, same applies to parents, teachers etc!!! Find the right key!!!

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Be still, be patient, let not your soul be troubled, be calm, don't panic, don't worry, just know that He is still God!!!
Truly worrying or panicking about a situation has no negative or positive impact on that situation, all it does is make you moody, sad and unhappy!!! 
As we enter the second half of 2015 I urge you to worry less and pray more!